

{click on image to view book}



Die Cast Model Mail Trucks


Danbury Mint Issue

{1/24th Scale}


1931 Model A Ford - Issued 1997 - Donated to the Postal A's by Robert B. Regan

{Although this model is very detailed and accurate, the color is not correct.}

{click on image(s) for more photos}


Yorkshire Company Issue

{1/25th Scale}


1929 Model "A" Ford - Issued 1989

{Although lacking much detail, this model's color is correct}

{click on image(s) for more photos}


DieCast Direct Inc. Issue

{1:43 Scale}

 1931 Model A Ford "US Mail" DeLuxe Delivery

{click on image(s) for more photos}

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Post Office Department Spark Plugs


Firestone Spark Plugs made for Post Office Department

{Part # S-120-CF, the procelain portion of the plug is a lavender color}

{click on image(s) for more photos}


These stamps where donated to the Postal A's by Art Callan who found them in Aldie Johnson's office. Note the AA Ford Mail Truck in the background.